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Dear friends, dear members of germanic fraternities, dear members of European student associations,

The European Student Fraternity Robert Schuman Argentorata to Strasbourg in EKV in her LXI. semester of colors is pleased to invite you to her 17th Europakommers.

19:00: reception of guests
20:00: beginning of the Kommers

Location: 12 rue du cygne 67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE
payment and registration on this page:
Les tarifs :
-Active (Student) 25€
-Guest (Student) 25€
-Non-active member (no Student) 45€
-Guest (no Student) 45€

Very official (suit for gentlemen and evening dress for ladies)
Plen.Col. (traditional student outfits welcome)
Guests welcome, event without delay.

The ESF Robert Schuman Argentorata reserves the right of entry considering the above criteria.

We hope to see many of you this evening so that we can all celebrate Europe together ! Please accept my brotherly greetings in the name of the Activitas,
Léopold Bouchard v/o BCE (CM²,FM²) X

17th Europakneipe